The General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (“GDPR”) came into force in the UK on 25th May 2018. It replaces the Data Protection Act 1998 and will harmonise data protection law throughout Europe.
The Society’s Data Protection Policy
The following personal information is held on all prospective and Society members.
Postal address (including postcode).
Contact details; one or more of landline phone number, mobile phone number. email address.
Plot number (members only).
This data is physically and electronically securely stored and available only to serving Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer). The lists is maintained jointly by the Treasurer ands Secretary
Each member is entitled to see his or her own entry and annually on renewal of membership they are asked to validate the details on record.
The Society itself uses this information to contact you to inform you of its activities over the year including administration of rents and general meetings.
The Society does have dealings with third parties that may require basic personal information (name. address, preferred form of contact) but this is not passed without consent. Bodies such as National Allotment Society, London Borough of Tower Hamlets and insurers have a self-management relationship with the society which negates the transfer of data.
Your data will not be passed on to any other third party without your prior permission.
The data will be deleted as and when you leave Society.
The Society’s Privacy Notice
Category of data
Who uses it? (Including third parties)
How is it used?
Paper or electronic how stored?
This data is used to validate the membership compliance of residence within the Borough of Tower Hamlets. It is also used to contact and correspond with the individual members both on day to day issues, notices and with respect to annual fees and collections.
Personal data is NOT given to any third party nor shared within the Society outside Officers.
The officers of the Society are the only people who have access to and use of the data.
The Secretary uses it to correspond and contact the member.
The Treasurer uses it to validate residence within LBTH and re all matters of collections, fees etc.
The Chair and Vice Chair has access to the data to correspond with individuals re issues , notices etc.
Personal data is captured automatically on the web page for membership application, and on paper on joining and at each annual membership renewal.
If any changes are notified to the officers these are also captured on paper.
The paper records are held by the Treasurer and captured online and shared as a digital file between the Secretary and the Treasurer.
Any supplier data is held in paper invoice and receipt information by Treasurer and used purely for accounts purposes.
The treasurer uses this data for accounts purposes only.
Accounts are maintained by the Treasurer but no personal information on suppliers is captured or retained as such.
Contact details may be held re LBTH, Parks, National Society, etc
The officers have access to this information
This is held on individual basis and in paper form.
The data will be stored whilst the applicant remains on the waiting list and for the duration of their membership. Once the individual is no longer a member their data will be deleted off all records
Any member may request a copy of the data held and amend this through the Officers. However, the basic data re name, address (including postcode) must be retained in full so to satisfy membership requirements.
Any member who feels their data is not being managed appropriately may raise a complaint in writing through the Chair and if not addressed to London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
Internet implications
No membership personal data is held on the website
All new member application data is past to the Secretary who is responsible for the management of the waiting list. The only item shared within the committee only is the name of the applicant and that is on paper. The postcode may be used to validate residency or to demonstrate location of applications.
The website does not use cookies.